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Tuesday,March 21, 2023, Slice of Life Challenge # 21/31 Bell ringer activity #Reading Routine

Bell ringer activity that has become a reading routine.

We have been doing nonfiction units back to back, information, and now argument units, since these are researching units it often leaves less scope for learners to read what they crave for.

I felt the love for reading evaporating from my fifth graders.

I was contemplating on how to bring the reading passion back to the class amidst the tight schedule that I have. So here is what I tried.

Well, it's been a few weeks since I started a bell ringer reading routine #10 minutes independent reading, totally a student's choice.

Every day when students come to my class, they leave everything and read.

Here is what I said to them for the first week:

"Read from the book or device,

read an infographic or a nonfiction book

engross yourself in historical fiction or a graphic novel

Just read, whatever you'd love to...."

Just so you know, this reading isn't a part of any unit study or book club.

Trust me, as if it was a magic wand, puff of air and almost everyone is reading now, they are looking forward to this, every morning. On days that I tell them that we won't have time for our 10-minute independent reading, they urge and persuade me ardently, to read. There are times I increase this time depending on my class schedule.

And trust me I ain't complaining, about that extra time!

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